Future Role- Nurse Leader  Comparison Role of Choice-Nurse Educator Observations (Similarities/Differences)
Ethics Some of the ethics, values and principles that a clinical nurse specialist must have include: benevolence, accountability, fidelity, and veracity.        Just like clinical nurse specialists, nurse educators also observe nursing values, ethics, and principles that govern the nursing practice. Some of the nursing ethics that nurse leaders observe include beneficence, nonmaleficence, privacy, autonomy, justice, and fidelity (Hoskins, Grady & Ulrich, 2018). All nurses have the same training to provide quality patient care as their primary duty. Nurse leaders have a duty of ensuring safe delivery of care, so they must be intimately familiar with the safety standards and protocols of the medical profession and their healthcare facility Nurse educators are responsible for designing, evaluating, updating, and implementing new and current nursing education curriculum (Mohr, & Coke, 2017). The major difference between nurse leaders and nurse educators is that nurse leaders motivate, challenge, and move others forward, making them educators. Conversely nurse educators inform, encourage and applaud, which makes them leaders.
Education A nurse leader is a registered nurse who has gone beyond achieving the BSN course to get an advanced degree. Like nurse leaders, nurse leaders start by obtaining a BSN-Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Bianchi et al., 2018). After obtaining the BSN, the nurse must acquire certification from relevant authorities to become a registered nurse. Nurse leaders complete the certification process for a Certified Nurse Leader (CNL). Lastly, to become a nurse leader, an RN must register for Master of Science in Nursing-MSN with special programs in nursing leadership programs.  Nursing educators are registered nurses who have acquired advanced nursing degree such a masters or PhD degree that allows them to teach nursing course/curriculum at a college or university level (Mohr & Coke, 2018). The first step in is to acquire a BSN-Bachelor of Science degree. Second step is to register as an RN-Registered Nurse. Lastly, for the RN to obtain a Nursing educator role, they must enroll and successfully complete a master’s and or a PhD program to acquire skills to teach or become educators.   Nursing educators and nursing leaders enroll for the same BSN program which qualifies them to become qualified nurses by the virtue of obtaining a BSN degree. The difference comes at master’s level where nurse leaders take course that focus on nursing leadership while nursing educators take specializations that prepare them to become educators of nurses at college or the university level.
Leadership Nurse leaders are specially prepared through the masters course to take on leadership positions in healthcare organizations. Nurse educators are teachers of nursing students. By the virtue of their specialized masters training, nurse educators qualify to take leadership roles in health organizations.   Nurse educators take on direct teaching roles whereas nurse leaders are trained to take on consultant, administrative and management positions in healthcare organizations.
Public Health The role of the CNL to provide leadership within the public health environment is examined.   Nurse educators play a critical role in promoting public health through working alongside other clinical staff to detect diseases, and prevent disease outbreaks. Nurse educators also perform other roles in the clinical setting that promote public health. Both nurse educators and nurse leaders play an active role in the maintenance and promotion of public health.
Health Care Administration Nurse leaders are responsible for large-scale policy planning, staff management, financial resource management, and business management, in addition to their core responsibilities of coordinating and supervising the delivery of health care.    Nurse educators motivate and educate staff to adopt new practice changes incorporating evidence-based practices that promote positive patient outcomes (Bullin, 2018)

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